All information found on this blog is for personal use only. I love sharing information with everyone, but the information given is 100% my own opinion.

No hate, just all love. Please let's all just have some fun.

All content and photos on this blog are copyright of Liezel Bumanglag "JustBeingZelly" and "@obsessedwithcute (instagram name)". You may not use them as your own.

Please ask for my permission before using any of my photos or content for your blog or website.

You may find my contact information by clicking here. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Remember, I do have a life separate from my blog. Yes, I have a family just like everyone else. They need some love and attention from me too. ;D

Any images that I use that are not my own have been credited to their original owners. All photos "by JustBeingZelly" and "@obsessedwithcute" must also be credited and linked to the original post including all links to my images on any other social media or website.
Any products that have been gifted or sent for review is noted with an asterisk (*) or otherwise noted at the bottom of the post. Any sponsored giveaways or products will be noted as such.

Any comments which are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

I reserve the right to delete replies to all comments, entire posts/threads, or change the terms of use at my own discretion.

Thank you so much for visiting.